Friday, March 29, 2019

21A – Reading Reflection No. 2

1) What was the general theme or argument of the book?
  • I chose to read "How to Fail at Everything and Still Win Big" by Scott Adams. The overall theme or argument of this book was to bottom line, put yourself first. He stresses the idea to take care of yourself and everything in your life that affects the way you live. These include like your own finances and your family, basically anything that affects you immediately, you should put first in your priority to take care of or put effort into. Also this book is a more "selfish" approach taking on life. 

2) How did the book, in your opinion, connect with and enhance what you are learning in ENT 3003?
  • This book relates to ENT3003 because it is all about working on yourself and developing into a better version of you. Giving yourself a better shot at success or happiness. The book also talks about how it is okay to fail, and that failure can be an option. This class also embraces that to pursue your likes and talents, rather than being successful at everything you do. 

3) If you had to design an exercise for this class, based on the book you read, what would that exercise involve?
  • Based on this book, the exercise I would do for this class would involve reflection. I would ask students to reflect on times they put their own needs first, and see how it turned out, maybe for the better or for the worse. Majority of the times if you put your own needs first, you would not necessarily be disappointed. It is to reflect on how important it is to take care of yourself first at times, because no one has  your back like you do. 
4) What was your biggest surprise or 'aha' moment when reading the book? In other words, what did you learn that differed most from your expectations?
  • The "aha" moment when reading this particular book was when he said that being passionate about something does not cause success. All my life I was brought up with if you're passionate about something, then nothing will stop you from being successful. So for him to defy that, really had me thinking, that what he said was true! Sometimes, things are not meant to be, and that is okay.

Friday, March 22, 2019

20A – Growing Your Social Capital

Part 1:
1) Who they are and what their background is.

  • Robert Anderson is a coworker back in my hometown who also does valet parking for Publix, and has been working there for nearly 10 years. Because of his expertise in parking cars and knows when there is a rush hour and has seen what spots fill up first and vice versa, he seemed like an expert in this industry.
2) Which 'slot' you are filling with each person (i.e., domain expert, market expert, supplier), and how the person fills the spot.
  • I am filling this "slot" with the expert in my industry because he knows the system of parking cars and valet at Publix and could give me good insight with what the whole process is like, and if I could incorporate any of it.
3) A description of how you found the person and contacted the person.
  • I found this person through work at Cheddar's Scratch Kitchen in Lakeland, Florida. I have known him for nearly 1 year now. I contacted him through texting him.
4) The nature of the exchange you have with the person -- what favor did they do for you? What is the return expectation? 
  • I asked Robert about how the system works with valet parking and if he had any tips to give me on my app. He said that the cars generally pick the spots closest to the desired entrance or exit, and if I were to have people try to get an estimate by manually entering in data that they should have people closest to the desired spots and not as much as the ones no one wants. He told me good insight for trying to first get an estimate of how many people park and where they park. 
5) How will including this person in your network enhance your ability to exploit an opportunity?
  • Robert knowing the ins and outs of parking and getting a good insight on where customers prefer to park can enhance my ability to exploit an opportunity in parking apps
Part 2
1) Who they are and what their background is.
  • Carol Saunders works with my dad and she tests different store systems for Publix. She has been working with store testing systems for around 15 years.
2) Which 'slot' you are filling with each person (i.e., domain expert, market expert, supplier), and how the person fills the spot.

  • Carol would be classified as a market expert because she uses different systems and tests them, one system could be an app.
3) A description of how you found the person and contacted the person.

  • I found Carol through my dad, when asking about this assignment. I then emailed her questions regarding testing different systems and the logistics of it. She gave me a lot of insightful procedures that she has to go through when testing out different store systems. 
4) The nature of the exchange you have with the person -- what favor did they do for you? What is the return expectation? 

  • Carol informed me on how the procedures work throughout her team on store systems testers. They use many different procedures to ensure top quality and no bugs are involved. She also said that sometimes they could test the same system for a month just to ensure no problems when ran into the hundreds of stores throughout the southeastern part of the United States.
5) How will including this person in your network enhance your ability to exploit an opportunity?

  • Carol has many professional connections, especially in a very well-known company. She could help with my own knowledge as a college student trying to make an app work and the different systems that are involved with it.
Part 3
1) Who they are and what their background is.
  • Sharma Kalpana also works for Publix and is in charge of supplying Publix with the best and brightest systems analysts. She is now head of the her own department for the Publix App.

2) Which 'slot' you are filling with each person (i.e., domain expert, market expert, supplier), and how the person fills the spot.
  • Sharma would be the supplier to my industry since she "supplies" Publix with good employees.

3) A description of how you found the person and contacted the person.
  • I found Sharma through my dad, who works for Publix and I contacted her via email.

4) The nature of the exchange you have with the person -- what favor did they do for you? What is the return expectation? 
  • I emailed Sharma some basic questions on how she "supplies" Publix with brilliant people to help keep this company on point. She then told me that she goes through numerous hiring processes, including in-person interviews and even phone interviews. She will ask them basic questions like if they know what SQL is and if they have any background experience/knowledge. Or if they can even work in a team environment. 

5) How will including this person in your network enhance your ability to exploit an opportunity?
  • Sharma could help me run my own company one day and what to look for in people when hiring. 
Finally: This experience helped me with networking events in the future by allowing me to target specific needs I will have in the future, and how I can use their knowledge and professional connections to benefit my future company and overall profile. This experience differed from the past ones because it made me think of certain connections which eliminates a lot of people to narrow it down

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

19A – Idea Napkin No. 2

1)      You: My talents include being patient, organized, friendly, and being compassionate. My experiences include being a hostess for two years, a volleyball coach for little children, and being a Technology Consultant. My skills include good interpersonal skills, communication skills, and technology skills. My aspirations are to make a career out of my job and to be happy with my life overall. This app would hopefully come to life in the near future and I would be the CEO of it, making living life a little less stressful financially. 
2)      What are you offering to customers: I am offering an app that would communicate with students, faculty, and those who need to find a parking spot near campus, a resolution to find those parking spots. This would cut down on time wasted looking for spots and prowling around the garage for one. I am also offering an app that would tell you a number of spots available in the garage, and what type of decals are available too.
3)      Who are you offering it to: I am offering it to students, faculty, and those who need to find a parking spot near campus, a way to find parking spots and cut back on searching time. My targeted demographic are those who have a car, specifically those who want to park on campus when it is busy or parking is not lifted yet. They could have a decal or not, cause it is important to specify what decal is available before parking is lifted, then it is not as important once parking has been lifted.
4)      Why do they care: Those who have class, an exam, or a meeting might all need to find a parking spot during hours that either enforce decal or do not. It could be exam season and the parking lots are filled to the max capacity. Bottom line, they care to make the most out of their time. To cut back on searching for parking spots could mean a few extra minutes getting ready at home, or getting early to that class, exam, or meeting. They also care to be as efficient as possible with their time.
5)      What are your core competencies: My qualifications may set me apart from others is how I have great communication and interpersonal skills from my times as a hostess and volleyball coach. Along with my technology skills being an Information Systems major and now working as a Technology Consultant. With both of these skills I can manage a business in the technology realm.

  •      These elements do fit together and make my new business become in unison. I am concerned with how to make a profit, most likely by sponsorships because no one is going to buy this app. Or, I could try to incorporate deals with ads to get money as well. It has to be made free and available for the public that way. Another concern would be if I could figure a way to make scooter parking on this app as well. Maybe give an estimate of how full scooter parking is throughout the UF campus. An additional concern would be to implement the technology or any system to ensure real-life time updates with how many parking spots are left.
  •       "Feedback Memo" 
    •       I took away how to update my app in real-life time for how many parking spots are available. I also took away that I could also make a profit using ads to fund the app as well as sponsors. I incorporated this feedback into the conclusion paragraph with my concerns and what I am offering customers.

Friday, March 15, 2019

18A – Create a Customer Avatar

My customer avatar would ideally be a college student, aging from the ranges of 18-24. Could be male or female. They would like to study, maybe go to football games here in the Swamp, and try to get the best college experience they can. They probably watch Netflix in their dorm or apartment when they aren't studying at the library. They also may like to dress up and go to Mid or Downtown on the occasional Friday/Saturday night. They also will drive either a car or scooter and always find it a hassle to find parking.

I am also a college student trying to find parking. I do go out and have fun and tailgate while also studying. I do not think it is a coincidence because I am making an app to park for college students and I got the inspiration cause it affects me too.
Image result for students at uf tailgating

Friday, March 1, 2019

16A –What’s Your Secret Sauce?

1) Describe five ways in which you think you have human capital that is truly unique.

  • I have great leadership skills through being a volleyball couch to younger kids ranging from 5-12.
  • I have great communication and interpersonal skills through being a hostess at Cheddar's Scratch Kitchen.
  • I am generally open-minded and can see other peoples viewpoints and perspective on various situations.
  • I embrace failure and to learn from experiments
  • I have a positive outlook on situations and spread positivity to others.
1) Describe five ways in which you think you have human capital that is truly unique

  1. Michelle Rochette
    2. Mia said that I have a positive influence on her along with my determination and the willingness I have to go the extra mile on an upcoming deadline.
  2. Geisha Caban
    2. Geisha said that she admires that I am a people person and are very intuitive and read peoples emotions.
  3. Kelly Schier
    2. Kelly said that I am a hard-worker and I show dedication to my goals.
  4. Scott Schier
    2. Scott said that when I set my mind to a goal I try my very hardest to achieve it.
  5. Laurie Schier
    2. Laurie said I step up to become a leader when need be and take initiative. 
3) Reflect on the differences
  • I see myself as someone who cares about others and their opinions matter. Others see me as a very determined person. I think other people see determination because that is what who I am, when I set a goal I mean to achieve it. But I also am a people person and I am very intuitive. I think they are correct about me. I would not change anything I wrote down because those are true.