Thursday, January 31, 2019

8A - Solving the Problem

In my previous post I had claimed how parking is an issue on campus. One way to solve this issue is to generate an app or some type of garage systems that tells students how many spots are available in various parking garages or parking lots around campus.

One idea my past interviewee suggested is for the app to actually state how many spots are for each decal. Decals are one of the most annoying aspects of trying to find parking after lifted hours. Lifted hours can vary depending on the decal that is assigned to that section of parking spots. For one example, the Norman Garage is split with Red decal and Orange decal. The Red decal lifts at 3:30 while the Orange decal lifts at 4:30. This may seem like no big deal but for those who have friends or family coming to visit or even trying to go to the library and fit your own unique schedule, that hour does mean a lot. For the app to divide which decal has so many spots left in a certain garage or parking lot actually makes the app even more efficient and effective for its targeted users, the students and staff of the University of Florida.

7A - Testing the Hypothesis, Part 1

1) Opportunity: The opportunity I am choosing to do is to solve the issue of parking on campus by creating an app or parking system to help cut down on search time for parking.
2) The 3 W's
  • The Who: University of Florida Students
  • The What: Students are having a hard time finding parking spots on campus and causes them to either be tardy or waste time.
  • The Why: As UF went up in rankings, more and more students are coming and the school parking lots have not accommodated for such large masses of students.
3) Hypothesis about the opportunity
  • Testing the Who: Just about every student and faculty are affected by limited parking spots.
  • Testing the What: Testing parking lots and parking garages are slightly different to test. Mainly because I have seen systems in garages that work and project the number of open spots and the total number right at the entrance of the garage. I have not seen this yet for just regular parking lots.
  • Testing the Why: The students are wanting to have better parking accommodations for them to enjoy all of what UF has to offer them. They also want to be able to find parking on exam nights and exam season. It is already stressful to go to UF, now parking is just an added stress. 
4) The Interviews:

Interview 1: Geisha Caban, UF Senior, lives off campus
Me: Do you believe that parking is an issue at the University of Florida campus?
Geisha Caban: Yes I do. Not only is parking limited but the parking lots are located at inconvenient places, at least for me and my classes.
Me: Why do you think parking is such an issue at the university of Florida?
Geisha: UF has a growing population with how prestigious it is. It just got ranked to 8th in the nation so of course more and more people want to come here. Funding is used for anything besides making parking lots/garages.
Me: Do you think a UF parking Garage app would be useful in cutting down searching times for parking?
Geisha: Absolutely, yeah that would be great. I would definitely use it.
Me: What do you think would solve this issue?
Geisha: I think they should fund parking garages that go up and not out to maximize the space there is.

Interview 2: Jana Rochette, UF Sophomore, lives off campus 
Me: Do you believe that parking is an issue at the University of Florida campus?
Jana Rochette: Yeah, because I always go to park and I can never find a spot.
Me: Why do you think parking is such an issue at the University of Florida?
Jana Rochette: Because I am wasting my time cause I got to go extremely early to find a spot.
Me: Do you think a UF parking Garage app would be useful in cutting down searching times for parking?
Jana Rochette: Yeah cause then I would know ahead a time if I want to drive to a parking garage or not.
Me: What do you think would solve this issue?
Jana Rochette: Your app you just talked about seems like it would help.

Interview 3: Aiden Agee, UF Senior, lives off campus
Me: Do you believe that parking is an issue at the University of Florida campus?
Aiden Agee: Yeah ever since I was a freshman on campus parking has been a huge issue especially since I live so far off campus and commute.
Me: Why do you think parking is such an issue at the University of Florida?
Aiden Agee: I think its cause this school got so good in ranks and now everyone wants to come and now parking is scarcer.
Me: Do you think a UF parking Garage app would be useful in cutting down searching times for parking?
Aiden Agee: Yeah it should include on which decal is available too like how many spots are open for orange decal, green, and red. That would make everyone’s life easier.
Me: What do you think would solve this issue?
Aiden Agee: Maybe if UF would invest in expanding garages or existing lots to allow more cars to park.

Interview 4: Jenny Rafalovich, UF Junior, lives off campus 
Me: Do you believe that parking is an issue at the University of Florida campus?
Jenny Rafalovich: Yes. I always have to fight for spots and I even have a scooter.
Me: Why do you think parking is such an issue at the University of Florida?
Jenny Rafalovich: Because people that live off campus try to find spots and people that live on campus always have to fight for spots.
Me: Do you think a UF parking Garage app would be useful in cutting down searching times for parking?
Jenny Rafalovich: I mean yeah, I guess it would because it would be better then nothing.
Me: What do you think would solve this issue?
Jenny Rafalovich: More parking spots.

Interview 5, Monica Farmer, UF Freshman, Lives on campus
Me: Do you believe that parking is an issue at the University of Florida campus?
Monica Farmer: It’s only an issue for me when it is exam season cause that is when everyone is here and trying to cram.
Me: Why do you think parking is such an issue at the University of Florida?
Monica Farmer: Too many students and not enough spots.
Me: Do you think a UF parking Garage app would be useful in cutting down searching times for parking?
Monica Farmer: Only if it was accurate and not slow like the buss app I use.
Me: What do you think would solve this issue?
Monica Farmer: UF funds more into creating or updating parking garages.

Generally, my findings have concluded what I have already suspected. Students from all living conditions, off or on campus have concluded that parking is an issue. After interviewing students it seems as though an app would be something they are willing to use and see if it does help in finding parking. I did not know prior the interviews that even scooter parking can be sometimes of a hassle.

Friday, January 25, 2019

6A – Identifying Opportunities in Economic & Regulatory Trends

1.       Regulatory Trend: Birth decline in young women, rising in older women
                                                                i.      I found this article while searching up the birth decline in young women
b.       As less and less young women become pregnant, this could mean that there is going to be more females getting their degrees and pursuing their careers, instead of taking a leave of absence to raise a family or to never even go to school.
c.       This would affect aspiring females to pursue a college education and eventual careers. They would establish themselves and then raise a family.
d.       This opportunity is relatively easy to exploit. There are studies where it shows that more and more females are pursing degrees and establishing themselves. This trend can be looked at in a good way with more established households raising children to have more stability and to raise them to go to college as well.
e.       I believe I saw this opportunity because I am an aspiring young female who wants to purse my degree and career. I do not want to raise a family until I am established and financially stable.

2.       Regulatory Trend: Moving toward a cleaner grid
                                                                i.      I found this source while looking up regulatory trends towards being a cleaner nation.
b.       This is a great opportunity to move into a cleaner planet. We have damaged our planet greatly by polluting it with toxins for decades. It is time for a drastic change and a push to renewable resources. Jobs will be lost, but more will be created with sustainable energy resources.
c.       This would affect those who are working right now in the coal industry. They need to be able to transfer or retrain into another working field. Other people affected are those who are getting their degree in sustainability and are trying to push the movement into saving this planet.
d.       This is an easy opportunity to exploit because so many business and companies are weaning off coal and other nonrenewable energy resources and are finding paths to have a small carbon footprint
e.       I found this an opportunity because I care about the environment and want future generations to enjoy it as well. So moving to a cleaner grid is something myself and my generation are pushing for.

3.       Economic Trend: Baby Boomers refuse to retire
                                                                i.      I found this article while searching up economic trends in America
b.       Because of the emotional scars left from the Great Recession, Baby Boomers refuse to retire early. Therefore, millennials have to find other ways to make ends meet. This can entail in getting a higher education, having several types of jobs, and becoming innovative to get income.
c.       This forces millennials to focus on becoming innovate and flexible with making ends meet. Some are taking temporary jobs to fund things they want to do before settling down to a 9-5 job, such as traveling.
d.       This is an easy opportunity to exploit because millennials are more forced to find out and pursue what they are passionate about. It does not matter if it takes a little longer to find what they are passionate about they can pursue their hobbies or even invent jobs with technology.
e.       I saw opportunity because it shows that I can take longer to pursue my own goals and even create an income out of hobbies. I can even invent my own product line or do some other hobby to create income, which I see more and more everyday though the usage of technology.

4.       Economic Trend: Cyber-attacks are a silent killer
                                                                i.      I found this article while looking up economic trends business owners should know about
b.       An opportunity may exist to build more jobs in the cyber-security area of security. There are now so many important documents that are uploaded via computers that cyber-attacks are truly a silent killer for some business and even the government.
c.       The typical customer with this opportunity are those pursing computer science or a relevant degree dealing with technology.
d.       This is an easy opportunity to exploit because it opens up a pretty recent area of expertise to fill in with well skilled millennials and other workers getting trained and certified.
e.       I saw this as an opportunity because my major is Information Systems and deals with technology. I know a senior who is also in my major who did an internship dealing with cybersecurity and she really enjoyed it. It got me thinking into pursing something similar because with technology the possibilities are almost endless.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

5A - Identifying Local Opportunities

Local Newspaper: The Ledger (Lakeland, FL)

Opportunity 1:
Title: Semi overturns on US 27, spilling paint and sending driver to the hospital
Link to article:
Story: Jacqueline Matthews was hospitalized because the semi-truck she was driving overturned. The semi-truck was loaded with 49,000 pounds of paint. She was trying to turn into the left lane to enter northbound U.S. 27 and as she was turning the load had shifted and the tractor-trailer had overturned on its right side. She was hospitalized with minor injuries.
Problem: The semi-truck had blocked the right and center lanes of northbound U.S. 27. Those lanes were closed for several hours blocking traffic and travelers. The woman also had a problem of turning the semi-truck, leading it to fall.
Who has the problem: The oncoming travelers have the problem, as traffic is backed up for hours. Also, the woman has a problem with her hospitalization and injuries, along with no semi-truck to currently drive for her job.

Opportunity 2: 
Title: Former school custodian gets 15 years for touching child
Link to article:
Story: A custodian at Davenport School of the Arts was recently sentenced to 15 years for touching a 6-year-old girl’s thigh while sitting next to her in the cafeteria for lunch. He was quoted for saying, “I had the urge to touch her”.
Problem: There have been countless reports of workers who are in any type of children-related field of work to have inappropriate contacts with children. There should be more background checks and more security throughout schools and other fields with children to protect their safety and childhood.
Who has the problem: The former custodian has a problem with violating the schools contract of inappropriate behavior. Now the school has a problem with their hiring procedures and needs to enforce higher security or further develop their hiring process.

Opportunity 3: 
Title: Florida Poly police officer Winfred 'Carl' Stocks Jr charged with sexual battery, stalking
Link to article:
Story: Florida Polytechnic University had a police officer that was charged with sexually assaulting, harassing, and stalking a woman. A report shows that he “verbally and by written communication, maliciously threatened her into having sex” with him by threatening to expose her nudes to the public.
Problem: Numerous times there have been those who abuse the authoritative power they have with their jobs. Police officers, teachers, and overall bosses can abuse their status into forcing those below into doing actions against their will.
Who has problem: The police officer has the problem of letting his authority get to his head and has other issues of belittling and controlling women into doing sexual favors for him.

Opportunity 4: 
Title: Dade City caterer's uncooked turkey leaves 200-plus ill
Link to article:
Story: Foodborne illness has affected more than 200 people from a Watson Clinic Christmas party. An undercooked turkey has been said to be the cause. The catering company was then shut down for 24 hours to fix the issue.
Problem: Foodborne illnesses are likely to affect the elderly and children the most. Catering companies, and restaurants in general need to make sure that all foods are properly cooked and all sanitary precautions are maintained to keep health codes in check.
Who has problem: All the people with foodborne illnesses from undercooked or infected food. The restaurants also have a problem with health code violations.

Opportunity 5: 
Title: 14 cattle deaths in Polk linked to toxic feed; suspected product, made by Producer's Pride, under recall
Link to article:
Story: Fourteen cattle deaths have been reported in the past two months that are linked to toxic feed, with more occurrences across the state. A feed-related illness is not as serious as an undetectable illness.
Problem: Illness can occur with any livestock, cattle are very vital to sustain many american products such as hamburgers and other various meat products. Protecting livestock is important to sustain part of the economy that they are responsible for.
Who has problem: The company that produces cattle feed. They need to solve the issue and make sure their feed is safe for cattle consumption.

Friday, January 18, 2019

4A - Forming an Opportunity Belief

A common issue many students, and faculty, can probably relate to is parking. As a freshmen, I lived all the way over near the Oaks Mall. This was a 25-40 min bus ride to my class. So second semester I got a decal, but would really only let me park as close to campus as SW Rec. After class, I would then ride the bus back to my apartment to then drive back to campus to sit down and study at the library. Parking was a nightmare. I felt like I was always competing to get a spot among hundreds of others. This is on a daily basis I would waste so much of my precious time to get a spot and transporting in general. I believe there is a better way to handle such limited parking spaces. Freshmen year, in my ENC1101 class, I proposed an argument to better the parking situations. This parking proposal has already been adapted into other places around the nation. It is essentially a system where instead of wasting time searching for the best spot, you could see a green light when no car was present, and a red light when there was a car in the spot. I have witnessed this in Las Vegas with the MGM properties. It is very effective and efficient. I propose we also do something like this into our beloved garages here at UF.  This would allow search time to become easier and thus saving students the hassle of false hope.

#1) Belen De La FLor, current student living off-campus

Me: Have you ever witnessed or experienced how hard it is to park on campus?
Belen: I have no car, but when I carpool with my roommate it is a hassle to go onto campus and find parking, especially around 6 or 7 to go to Library West.
Me: When did you become aware of this issue?
Belen: I became aware of this issue when I was a freshman and taking the bus to and from class was nice but I had always heard my friends complain how hard it was to find a spot to get to class.
Me: How long have you had this issue?
Belen: I have had issues with parking since my freshman year and I am a junior now.
Me: Do you feel as though parking has taken part of your time to study or do other various activities that are important to you?
Belen: Yes, sometimes I am late to meetings or even class cause my roommate cannot find parking when we are going to school. I think there are not enough spots for everyone here.
Me: What are some actions you should take in order to cut down on searching for a parking spot?
Belen: Well I just got a scooter and scooter parking is a lot better than car parking. So I guess there is one less car that has to park now.
Me: Are you satisfied with the solution?
Belen: I am very happy with riding a scooter to and from campus, saves gas and parking is easier.

#2) Mia Rochette, current student living off-campus

Me: Have you ever witnessed or experienced how hard it is to park on campus?
Mia: Yeah it is so hard to find parking on campus, especially if you are coming after parking is lifted and it is exam week.
Me: When did you become aware of this issue?
Mia: Since I was a freshman. Living on-campus was terrible for parking because if I moved my car I would almost never be able to get a good spot again.
Me: How long have you had this issue?
Mia: Since I was a freshman and I am a senior now.
Me: Do you feel as though parking has taken part of your time to study or do other various activities that are important to you?
Mia: Yeah all the time. I usually will become late to class or even club meeting when it is in the evenings. Once I was late for an exam held in Carlton because the only parking I found was all the way in the Broward garage.
Me: What are some actions you should take in order to cut down on searching for a parking spot?
Mia: I ride the bus during the morning but during the evenings when parking is lifted I try to either go right when it is lifted or after 8 because in between there is like no parking and I would rather sleep than waste my time.
Me: Are you satisfied with the solution?
Mia: No I would rather have more parking spaces so I could come onto campus whenever I feel like because I feel that is ridiculous how in all my four years here parking is still as bad.

#3 Jessica Zheng, currnt student living off-campus

Me: Have you ever witnessed or experienced how hard it is to park on campus?
Jessica: Yeah I have a decal and I still cannot find parking most times, cause my classes are in the middle of the day when everyone is already here.
Me: When did you become aware of this issue?
Jessica: My freshman year when I was living on campus.
Me: How long have you had this issue?
Jessica: Since I was a freshman and now I am a junior.
Me: Do you feel as though parking has taken part of your time to study or do other various activities that are important to you?
Jessica: Yeah like I have to go to class an hour or 45 min before it starts to ensure I can find a parking spot.
Me: What are some actions you should take in order to cut down on searching for a parking spot?
Jessica: I think I should either still go early to get a spot or try a moped cause I heard those are easier to find parking.
Me: Are you satisfied with the solution?
Jessica: No I would rather not spend that much time trying to get to class.


My opportunity belief is still there. I know majority of students have trouble parking especially during exam week. This issue seems to have been at UF for quite some time and there is plenty of room for improvement.  Many people have their own methods to solving this difficult task of parking on campus. Some are okay with it but others clearly do have a problem with parking. I believe my opportunity is more accurate than before I started because I got actual concrete evidence of the problem instead of assuming. Entrepreneurs should adapt their opportunities based on customer feedback because customer feedback is concrete evidence on what the problem is. This evidence should be taken into serious account to go forward with the opportunity.

3A - My Entrepreneurship Story

I have always grown up to love baking and cooking. One of my favorite things I did as a child was to bake cookies and various pies with my little sister. I would then make my sister go around to various family members and "sell" whatever concoction we had made that day after school. As we grew older, my little sister and myself made more crafty things. These included making soaps, paintings, and other various art displays we would give to our parents or friends. I remember one instance, I wanted to make a candle for mothers day. I ended up using old candles that had been used and worn down already into melting them and making a big brand new candle for my mom. I even reused the candle wicks for this big new candle. The smell was funny, but the color was a brownish red color. I was so proud of myself as a 5th grader giving this gift to my mom. Currently, I invent my own recipes to being vegan/vegetarian. While in college, I had to learn how to cook for myself and I now can happily eat very good, especially for a college student.

I enrolled into ENT3003 to broaden my perspective of what being an entrepreneur is all about. I want to grasp how to think outside the box and take on difficult and various tasks to grow stronger as a person and entrepreneur.  I am excited to see different ideas of those in this class as well!

2A - Bug List

1) I cannot ride my scooter I bought with my roommate last Fall semester to class still, even though I have practiced for hours. 
Why it exists: I cannot balance her and myself yet and have to take my scooter, Princess Peach, to the DMV to get her registered under myself and my roommate. We also have to get PP a decal so we can legally take her to class.

2) When I hold the door open or even say "Have a great day" at my job at Cheddars back home and the guests do not say thank you or even acknowledge me as a person. 
Why it exists: I believe some people feel entitled to others who work in the restaurant industry. Some customers look down upon like they are better than me because they do not work in the restaurant and therefore are better and should treat me and my coworkers as dirt.

3) When the dishes are unwashed and sitting in their own filth in the shallowest sink in the world at my apartment. 
Why it exists: My roommate and myself  cook and eat at our apartment at least twice or more a day. We do not eat out, so there is of course going to be a lot of dishes to clean when we are finished with our meal. Sometimes we get busy and do not have the time to was the dishes, and this leads to the sink being overwhelmed with various plates, bowls, pans, and silverware.

4) When I wear converse, heels, or any new shoes I get blisters on the back of my heel. 
Why it exists: I have sensitive skin already, and I guess when the shoe rubs against the back of my heel, it does not like it and gets red with blisters!

5) Waiting to do laundry because I now have no more clean clothes to wear. 
Why it exists: I do not have my own washer and dryer in the apartment. Therefore, doing laundry takes a bit more effort to do. I wait till the last minute because I do not have the time to sit around and wait for my laundry to get done and change it over during the week.

6) Spending the time to paint my nails and make them all pretty, to have them chip within a few days. Why it exists: I do not go out and get my nails done, so I do them at home. Of course they're going to chip faster because I do not have all the nice equipment and products nail salons have.

7) Being the youngest of my friend group. 
Why it exists: My friends are all 21 and I am still 20 till May. This means I cannot enjoy Sign Night and enjoy some nights out with them at 21 and up clubs.

8 ) Typing on clunky keyboards. 
Why it exists: Some computers have not switched over to nice flat keyboards, and my fingers get tired because I have to put in more effort to type

9) Driving to South Florida. 
Why it exists: It takes almost 5 hours to get to South Florida and the traffic can be terrible and the drive is a drag

10) When I go to SW Rec and its packed at 8 pm and all the machines are taken. 
Why it exists: I guess everyone wants to get fit and healthy after they're done with school and work, so now the gym is packed.

11) Becoming an adult and paying bills. 
Why it exists: I guess as time goes on I get older, and therefore I will become an adult, and do adult things like paying bills and finding the great joy in throwing away the old sponge and replacing it with a nice brand new one for the sink.

12) Washing my hair at night and then going to sleep with it all wet. 
Why it exists: Most times I take a shower at night and wash my hair I go to bed with it wet and wake up with it all weird and nappy. I prefer to wash my hair during the day or at least have it dry before I go to bed. I get too tired or lazy to do it in the morning before school or work so I wash it at night.

13) Not finding a parking spot to study at 6pm at library west. 
Why it exists: The school has parking lifted after 4:30 or 5:30 across campus and so most students come who want to enjoy the library, and therefore parking is a hassle.

14) GRU is a monopoly. 
Why it exists: GRU is monopolized utility company and it is one of the worst companies here, close with COX. They're smart with how they did their business to monopolize Gainesville and all the civilians within.

15) When I get kicked off the network at UF and i cannot get back on it for a solid 10 minutes. 
Why it exists: I assume there are thousands of people on campus using the network and sometimes I get kicked off.

16) When I cannot open the jar of tomato sauce and it leaves my hand feeling raw. 
Why it exists: The tomato sauce company does not want the sauce to get contaminated so it makes it hard to open jars.

17) When the hot water is not hot in my apartment. 
Why it exists: My apartment complex is old and pluming needs to be updated.

18) The girls bathroom on campus except for the Reitz and Marston basement. The girls bathrooms smell disgusting and humid for some reason. 
Why it exists: Females have to use the bathroom and unfortunately leave it in disgusting states of matter.

19) The walk from my apartment to the Retiz. 
Why it exists: I live on West University and the walk across campus is a drag without a bus.

20) When there are no vegetarian or vegan options in restaurants or other gatherings. 
Why it exists: Some people do not understand the dietary restrictions other have, and therefore do not have any other options.

This assignment was not that hard since I try to reflect on why things happen anyway. After summer, I broke up with my boyfriend of 4 years to find out who I am as a person. This includes what I like, dislike, and other factors that shape and mold myself. I know who I am and what I like, so thinking about what "bugs" me was quite easy. But getting 20 things that bug me became more difficult than anticipated and involved more thinking and time.