Wednesday, February 13, 2019

11A – Idea Napkin No. 1

1)      You: My talents include being patient, organized, friendly, and being compassionate. My experiences include being a hostess for two years, a volleyball coach for little children, and being a Technology Consultant. My skills include good interpersonal skills, communication skills, and technology skills. My aspirations are make a career out of my job and to be happy with my life. This app would hopefully come to life in the near future and I would be the CEO of it.
2)      What are you offering to customers: I am offering an app that would communicate with students, faculty, and those who need to find a parking spot near campus, a resolution to find those parking spots. This would cut down on time wasted looking for spots and prowling around the garage for one.
3)      Who are you offering it to: I am offering it to those students, faculty, and those who need to find a parking spot near campus, a way to find parking spots and cut back on time searching for one. My targeted demographic are those who have a car, specifically those who want to park on campus when it is busy or parking is not lifted yet.
4)      Why do they care: Those who have class, an exam, or a meeting might all need to find a parking spot during hours that either enforce decal or do not. It could be exam season and the parking lots are filled to the max capacity. Bottom line, they care to make the most out of their time. To cut back on searching for parking spots could mean a few extra minutes getting ready at home, or getting early to that class, exam, or meeting.
5)      What are your core competencies: My qualifications may set me apart from others is how I have great communication and interpersonal skills from my times as a hostess and volleyball coach. Along with my technology skills being an Information Systems major and now working as a Technology Consultant. With both of these skills I manage a business in the technology realm.

These elements do fit together and make my new business become in unison. I am concerned with how to make a profit, most likely by sponsorships because no one is going to buy this app. It has to be made free and available for the public that way. Another concern would be if I could figure a way to make scooter parking on this app as well. Maybe give an estimate of how full scooter parking is throughout the UF campus.


  1. Hey Kristen, I enjoyed reading your post! It seems like you really thought about these five elements and how they interact with each other. I see in your last paragraph you say you are concerned about making a profit, but I would add another concern, which is how you are obtaining this information. If your app is trying to tell which parking lots have spot available how are you obtain this information and keeping it in real time? It seems you would need people to be out at those specific places to count how many spots are available.

  2. Hey Kristen, I liked getting to know more about you and how your skills will cater to the needs of your parking app. You made clear relationships with all the factors and justified how they will fit together in unison. I think you could make revenue and profit by adding ads to the app. I also agree with the concerns about obtaining information that Danielle brought to your attention. Would you have to add new technology to lots that would "talk" to the app?

  3. Kristen, I loved reading up on what skills you have. I find it interesting what others think about themselves and what areas they are confident in. I noticed how you said you do not know how you will fund the app. What a lot of free apps do is make money off of ads. Just find people who want to put their advertisements on your app. They will generate new customers and you will have money for your app.
