Wednesday, February 6, 2019

9A – Testing the Hypothesis, Part 2

Interview 1: Michaela Poitevien, sophomore, lives on-campus, has no car

Me: Do you believe parking is an issue at the University of Florida?
Michaela: Not really, I do not have a car and live on campus.
Me: Do you think having a parking app would benefit you in any way?
Michaela: Yes, sometimes I go with my friends out and when we try to get back to Broward our spot is gone and we have to hunt for a new one.
Me: Do you think this need differs from other needs in finding a parking spot?
Michaela: Yes because I do not need it that often but other people would rely more heavily on it.

Interview 2: Robert Fleming, junior, has no car, lives off-campus
Me: Do you believe parking is an issue at the University of Florida?
Robert: Umm.. yeah it is for some but not really for me.
Me: Do you think having a parking app would benefit you in any way?
Robert: Not really because I have no car.
Me: Do you think this need differs from other needs in finding a parking spot?
Robert: Yes, for those that commute to campus and park I feel those would benefit a lot.

Interview 3: Gabrielle Schofield, has a car, recent grad, lives-off campus
Me:Do you believe parking is an issue at the University of Florida?
Gabrielle: Yes it is but not really for me anymore since I do not have classes.
Me:Do you think having a parking app would benefit you in any way?
Gabrielle: Yes it would if I ever needed to go back on campus before parking is lifted.
Me: Do you think this need differs from other needs in finding a parking spot?
Gabrielle: Yeah since I no longer am a student I do not need it but those that do need it would definitely benefit from it.

Interview 4: Scott Tolzman, freshman, no-car, lives on-campus.
Me: Do you believe parking is an issue at the University of Florida?
Scott: Yes my friends all struggle with it when we go out and they have to find one when we get back.
Me: Do you think having a parking app would benefit you in any way?
Scott: Once I get my car I would want an app.
Me: Do you think this need differs from other needs in finding a parking spot?
Scott: Well like I do not need it right now but later I would.

Interview 5: Alex Caballero, senior, lives-off campus, has a car
Me: Do you believe parking is an issue at the University of Florida?
Alex: Yes it is but not really for me, I take the bus
Me: Do you think having a parking app would benefit you in any way?
Alex: No because I do not need to park on campus, I drive a scooter
Me: Do you think this need differs from other needs in finding a parking spot?
Alex: Yes for those who need to drive their cars on campus.

My Findings: Based on my interviews, I found out there is a section of people/students that do not have a demand in the parking app. I did not realize how many situations cause for someone to not need the app as much as I anticipated in.

Inside the boundary
Outside the boundary
Who is In: Those who need to park on campus and use a car
Who is Not: Those who do not have cars or do not need to park on campus with a car
What the Need Is: Parking on campus
What the Need Is Not: Not parking on campus with a car
Why the Need Exists: Not enough parking spaces and too many students needing to park their cars
Alternative Explanations: Those who do not need cars to park or do not have a car do not need a parking app for campus.


  1. Hey Kristen! After reading your post and the interviews you did with those 5 people. I think up could actually dive a little deeper into who is outside the boundary. It seems that people who may or may not have cars but drive scooters on campus would not need to use the app. I think it is a great idea but the overall market you are reaching out to could be more defined.

  2. Hey Kristen! Overall your interviews seemed to be quite insightful. They showed that though many people have the need, many also do not. You found a diverse group of interviewees that were outside the boundary of your product. I believe you may need to implement those you drive scooters as well. Is the parking app going to include those spots, or is the app just for cars? If that is clearly defined I think everything else would be perfect! Great job overall.

  3. Hey Kristen. Just finished reading your blog, Testing the Hypothesis Part 2. I totally agree with your findings on how a lot of students don’t have cars. My roommate is from New York and can’t go anywhere unless he walks. I have had my car the past three years and understand how hard it is to find a parking spot on campus. There is a large market for this app. Great Job!

  4. Hi Kirsten! I was suprised that so many people would not find this useful. I read that Alex did not think it was important because he used the bus, or scoot to class. But, I believe that the app could actually be used for scooters too. In certain areas of campus, scooters are having a hard time finding parking spots, or basically stacking them on one another. So instead of scooting being a reason to not use the app, I believe it could be beneficial to also assess the need for the app in that realm.

  5. Hi Kristen, as a business student a majority of my classes are online and I can see how some people wouldn’t have use for the app. The only time I find myself on campus is for events that happen at night. Typically after 7pm most lots you can find parking fairly easily. However some of my friends do drive to campus and would have much more utility with an app like this than I.
