Friday, February 15, 2019

12A – Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 1

Segment: I have chosen UF students who have cars or associates with someone who has a car and tries to park on campus.

1)  Jacob Johnson

  • Jacob is currently in the graduate program for dentistry and lives off-campus near Shands hospital. He drives to school with a car. I asked him if he has ever had an issue parking on-campus and he said yes, almost every time he needs to go to class. Jacob has a Green decal and often has to leave early enough to find a spot and walk to class. I asked him if he would be interested in using a parking app that would allow him to know how many spots are available in garages. He said that would be very useful, especially since he is very busy. He later said how UF is very crowded near Shands and there are so many people that go in and out and parking can be a big concern at time. 
2) Hannah Martin

  • Hannah is a sophomore who lives on-campus. She does not own a scooter and relies on her car for transportation.  She has a Red 1 decal and usually parks at Norman since other garages become full at night. I asked her if she was interested in a Parking app that would allow her to see the availability in each garage is. She said that would be helpful especially on Sunday nights when everyone is back home from the weekend.

3) Omar Bass

  • Omar lives just off of campus, near Community Lot #2, across the street from SW Rec. He has a car and scooter, but prefers to scoot to class. He told me that he only had a car for his first year and hated trying to find a spot for it during his freshman year. So he bought a scooter his sophomore year and says it is much easier and cheaper to scoot to class. He does not like relying on the bus system because it wastes his time too much. I asked him if a parking app would benefit him in any way and he said that it would especially when he has to drive with his friends and or family over to campus.

  • These interviews showed me that there is a segment out there that does have a need/want for a parking app, and that there are too many students and too few parking spots. By bettering the school experience, this app could make the University of Florida students have a better quality time for these short years. 


  1. Hey Kristen, really great post! I liked that you interviewed three different kinds of people, all of which who have cars, and all of which said that the app idea you have is something they would use. I think with the right marketing the app is something every student who drives to campus would use, it would cut the looking around time and allow for students to get where they need to faster.

  2. Hey Kristen, I thought you did a really great job finding interviewees that remained within your segment but were diverse with different situations. The interviews really showed that there is a need and want for the app, with a huge opportunity to cater to. This is for sure something that I would use if this worked out and was reliable and effective. Great job overall!

  3. Kristen, I really loved reading all of your interviews. I thought it was cool how there are a bunch of different scenarios but each had a need for the improved app. I think you have a huge opportunity here and if you can get the app to be more reliable and users finding it helpful you will be doing great.
