Friday, February 8, 2019

10A – Elevator Pitch No. 1


  1. Hey Kristen! Throughout your elevator pitch, I thought you provided a lot of information that could be beneficial to those prospective buyers, but on the other hand I think you should have limited the numbers to only a couple. It was a bit overwhelming and in the long run I did not remember them. I believe that if you picked one statistic and used it as a hook it would be helpful. Overall, I think the product is good and the pitch will be great with a couple touchups. Good job!

  2. Kristen, overall I think you did a good job on your elevator pitch. You spoke clearly and kept eye contact with the audience. You had a lot of facts and statistics which shows you researched your topic well. I would advise to try to keep it simpler. When you are presenting your elevator pitch to a potential client then you want to keep it simple and exciting. Make what you are talking about easy and useful to understand. Great job and hope to see more about this.
